please check here an alternate fix
please check here an alternate fix
Disable the dreaded plugin-container.exe in Mozilla Firefox:
Get Adobe flash player here . Please be sure to UNCHECK the McAfee as that is just additional BLOAT in my opinion, or just go here for an automated installer
As many of you may or may not know the Mozilla Firefox plugin-container.exe is how Firefox handles some plugins, and if you are here chances are you experienced a flash player crash. Needless to say this in MY opinion has been of bad design. High CPU usage is one notable side effect of using it. I am going to show you how to disable it, and have all your plug in running in Firefox instead of using the plugin-container.exe.
This solution I can’t take full credit for, however, testing with two persons which my deletion of the prefetch files didn’t work, this method did solve their problems of flash player crashing Firefox. That method is to create an environmental variable for either the current logged on user or any user on the machine to prevent the use of Mozilla’s plugin-container.exe which flash player runs inside of when you visit a flash player site. I have tested this method for about a week, and suffered no ill effects when going to Flash sites, Silverlight sites, java sites, and adobe reader plugins. This article in the link below shows you how and what to do, and it is extremely simple. I have also created .reg files that will accomplish the same thing that are in my sharable folder called PluginContainer.rar. You will need winrar to open the archive files.
I would also like to point out that disabling the plugin-container.exe has successfully solved a silver-light crash as well
I would like to point out that a thread was started called:
"Proposed new solution to some Flash Player problems”
In the Mozilla forums which involved contributors and moderators. Needless to say the moderators and contributors refused to do any testing of my proposed solution. As the vast majority of users want a click and fix solution, and do not want to sit and fiddle with code, and do things they cannot understand because they are not computer literate. I offer at the bottom of page a few links to Mozilla forums where proof of my methods can resolve these issues.
Flash player protected mode: Automated script to disable protected mode for flash player
I would like to give a special thanks to the following Mozilla forum members for assisting me in confirming my testing and willing to try my methods:
Also thanks to Adobe forum member Troudhyl. Even though either method or various other methods we tried didn’t work for his flash player crash upon startup of some links, this helped me to confirm what it didn’t resolve for sure. Over on the right column you can see some of my other methods.
Below is the link for the folder with the proposed fixes, and please be sure to read the info.txt file prior please. Off to the right column of this blog you can look at a few other proven methods as well. You will need winrar to open the archive files.
YouTube tutorial.
Please note that i can provide limited technical support for these. There is the info word document and text file available to read. I tried to make this a simple as possible. Please be sure to read these.
I would also like to point out that disabling the plugin-container.exe has successfully solved a silver-light crash as well
I would like to point out that a thread was started called:
"Proposed new solution to some Flash Player problems”
In the Mozilla forums which involved contributors and moderators. Needless to say the moderators and contributors refused to do any testing of my proposed solution. As the vast majority of users want a click and fix solution, and do not want to sit and fiddle with code, and do things they cannot understand because they are not computer literate. I offer at the bottom of page a few links to Mozilla forums where proof of my methods can resolve these issues.
Flash player protected mode: Automated script to disable protected mode for flash player
I would like to give a special thanks to the following Mozilla forum members for assisting me in confirming my testing and willing to try my methods:
Also thanks to Adobe forum member Troudhyl. Even though either method or various other methods we tried didn’t work for his flash player crash upon startup of some links, this helped me to confirm what it didn’t resolve for sure. Over on the right column you can see some of my other methods.
Below is the link for the folder with the proposed fixes, and please be sure to read the info.txt file prior please. Off to the right column of this blog you can look at a few other proven methods as well. You will need winrar to open the archive files.
YouTube tutorial.
Please note that i can provide limited technical support for these. There is the info word document and text file available to read. I tried to make this a simple as possible. Please be sure to read these.